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Thursday, April 8, 2010

First Post! Taking Yet Another leap

I have made up my mind. I have bought a one-way ticket to Europe.
I gave a little speech a few months back, called Cheap travel. That is probably the preferred style for someone who like me might consider hm/herself as 'semi-retired'. Since giving that little speech, I began to feel a growing tension within- that I might be stagnating, staying in one place too long. A whole year without even leaving my home state!
I think there are a lot of women like me- Over sixty, single, empty nest, maybe wondering how much of one's daily activity is just to fill the time, to stay busy, or to avoid thinking about other scary possibilities. When is a life nothing more than a diversion, or a series of distractions? And if so, from what?
It was three years ago that I made my first leap- To China. Why? I was free to do so. I could. And while anytime in my whole life before that I would have been too frightened to even think about doing this, now my grown daughter was actually cheering me on.
I did have a job lined up to teach, and an acquaintance who offered to be of assistance once I arrived, but it still was pretty much a blind leap. But that's another story. In the next year I made more trips. I went to Mexico and Italy for more than a month each, for a minimal amount of money, staying at hostels or in homes, and having grand adventures. Again, another story.
Leaping is actually a magic trick- where fear is mostly disabled by the sheer decision to act. I say mostly, because it never really goes away- it stays as a background noise, becomes familiar, and is transformed into excitement.
This leap is to Europe again, but for a potentially much longer stay. The seven weeks I was there in '08 was an appetizer, there is so much more that I want to linger over, to hang around. I leave for Barcelona in a few weeks, and will be posting the adventures as they happen. And filling in all the important missing details.

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